Welcome to CKDF
Who Are We?
Capital Kunst des Fechtens is a non-profit HEMA club based in the Washington, DC area. We are a group of amateurs that seeks to maintain an accessible, inclusive venue for our members’ study of the combat systems of medieval and Renaissance Europe.
What is HEMA?
HEMA is a broad term used to describe the study of medieval- and Renaissance-period martial arts of European origin. Practitioners interpret written sources that describe techniques and weapons systems in order to reconstruct these martial arts.
What Is Kunst des Fechtens?
We focus on the teachings of Johannes Liechtenauer, called Kunst des Fechtens. This holistic, late medieval system of combat comprises longsword, wrestling, dagger, langes messer, polearms, and mounted & armored combat. We also study later rapier and saber systems.
Where Do We Study?
We train at Brazen Fitness
607 S Ball St, Arlington, VA 22202
We welcome visitors and spectators - please email us if you’d like to observe a class.
Our club is dedicated to providing and maintaining a safe training space for Historical European Martial Arts. All are welcome, and we do not tolerate discrimination based upon gender, gender identity and expression, race, sexual orientation, disability, nationality or national origin, ethnicity, age, or religion. If you are interested in reconstructing medieval martial arts, historical swordplay, or modern HEMA competition, then our club is for you.
The Sources - Fechtbücher, Hausbücher, Turnierbücher
“... First and foremost, you should notice and remember that there’s only one art of the sword, and it was discovered and developed hundreds of years ago, and it is the foundation and core of all fencing arts.”
Medieval fighting techniques were preserved in hand-written texts called manuscripts, many of which survive today. We study these manuscripts and interpret the techniques they contain in order to reconstruct these lost fighting systems. The modern HEMA community has digitized, transliterated, and translated many previously obscure sources.
Liechtenauer Compilation, 2010. Michael Chidester, ed. Online.
Jude Lew - Das Fechtbuch, 2017. Hagedorn. Hardcover.
Kunst des Messerfechtens (Cgm 582), 2021. Chidester. Facsimile.
In Service of the Duke, The 15th century fighting treatise of Paulus Kal, 2006. Tobler. Hardcover.
Gladiatoria New Haven - MS U860.F46 1450, 2015. Hagedorn & Walczak. Hardcover.
The Martial Ethic in Early Modern Germany Civic Duty and the Right of Arms, 2011. Tlusty.
Jean de Bueil: Le Jouvencel, 2020. Taylor & Taylor. Hardcover.
A Knight for the Ages: Jacques de Lalaing and the Art of Chivalry, 2018. Morrison. Hardcover.
Freydal. Medieval Games. The Book of Tournaments of Emperor Maximilian I, 2019. Krause. Hardcover.
Deeds of Arms, 2005. Muhlberger. Hardcover.
Murder, Rape, and Treason: Judicial Combats in the Late Middle Ages, 2019. Softcover.
Spotlight: Starhemberg Fechtbuch (Cod.44.A.8)
Written in 1452, this fechtbuch includes core glosses of Liectenauer’s zedel on which much of our interpretation is based, as well as iconic imagery such as the leger and a visual memory aid of the rossfechten section of the zedel,
Spotlight: Pol Hausbuch (MS 3227a)
A commonplace book, or hausbuch, could contain any kind of often mundane information and was pieced together much like a scrapbook. Among other things, the Pol Hausbuch catalogs an anonymous author’s fencing advice.
Spotlight: Paulus Kal Fechtbuch (MS KK5126)
Paulus Kal authored four lavishly illustrated fechtbücher during his career as fencing master to German nobility. Dated from the 1480s, the huge pages of MS KK5126 are filled with bright illustrations of historical techniques.
Introductory Courses
Intro courses In Kunst des Fechtens, Rapier, & Saber
If you're interested in studying with us, we offer periodic intro courses to new students. You'll learn basic terminology, attacks and parries, and info about HEMA and what we do at CKDF.
When: As scheduled - email us to sign up for the next course.
Equipment: Weather-appropriate athletic clothing, groin protector.
Note: We offer as many courses as we can throughout the year, but due to overwhelming demand, we must limit the frequency and size of classes. Check the HEMAA Clubfinder for other great HEMA clubs that offer intro courses.

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for original interpretations, drills, and our "Plague Lecture" series!
Featured in the New York Times
Back to the Source - A Documentary on HEMA